Our purpose is to educate fellow students and tutors on what it is like for students who identify with groups who are marginalised or othered within Irish society and to emphasise the importance of inclusion. Defining inclusivity as the creation of an "atmosphere in which all people feel valued and respected and have access to the same opportunities.” (Riordan 2014) , we think that hearing perspectives from those who do not feel this definition of inclusion fits them is the key to highlighting what issues exist and what actions can be taken to make inclusion more possible. By sharing the lived experience and information on what it means to not fit the definition of inclusion, we hope to provide others with a new perspective and encourage positive actions.
Brought to you by a team of final year Creative Media students from DKIT, this project aims to highlight the importance of inclusion for students who identify with groups that are marginalised or othered within Irish society. Our objective is to connect with fellow college students in Ireland and to share information with them that is easily accessible and digestible. We hope that by raising awareness and educating on the topic of inclusion, it will help to improve inclusivity for those students who feel marginalised or othered in Irish society. So, Lets' Talk...
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